10 jokes!
1 why did the dinosaur cross the road?
because chickens hadn't been invented yet!

2 knock knock!
who's there?
alike who?
alike you your funny!

3 what kind of bees make milk?

4 why should you take a hammer to school on the last day of school?
because its breaking up day

5 how many eggs does it take to make a stinkbomb?
quite a phew
what did the tv say when its remote broke?
I'm out of control

6 why did Tigger look down the toilet?
he was looking for pooh

7doctor, doctor I feel like packet of biscuits
what the ones with holes in them?
yes those ones
you must be crackers then!

8 what was wrong with wooden cars?
they wooden go

9 what do you call a cranky GPS
a nag-ivator

10 why did the boy bring toilet paper to the party
because he was a party pooper

Loved these jokes, Leo! Thanks for sharing them, always good to have a laugh. I loved the Boobies one especially, and the 'Alike you you're funny' one too.
Bryn thought they were awesome! What did when the alarm went wrong? It go smoke alarmed up in the skies and it crushed the roof (Bryn’s joke!)
Hah Hah! Excellent jokes. Here's another: What's the fastest cake in the world?